Greece - Rhodes

Traveling during a pandemic

When we traveled to Rhodes in late September it was actually our first trip abroad since the pandemic hit us. I really thought that we would book our first trip right after we took our second dose of the vaccine, but to be honest – I was a bit scared of traveling for the first time since the pandemic. I know a lot of people started traveling again, or never even stopped traveling during the pandemic, but for me personally it felt wrong to even even think about going abroad up until this point.
We’ve traveled within Sweden for sure, but not abroad. Until this trip.

Traveling with the restrictions and recommedations was not hard at all, as long as you have your vaccine pass, are willing to take a pcr-test, use your facemask and are in good health, then you’re good to go. But that was not issue for me, it was the exposure and the risk that I was putting my self and others through. The possibility of what I could bring home. What if I brought home covid instead of a good bottle of wine from taxfree? What if instead of getting memories from an amazing trip I would be put in quarantine?

I couldn’t tell you what it was that somehow made it feel okay to book that first trip, but I can tell you this: it was a bit scary. I mean, you have to take all of the questions above in consideration. And if you’re traveling you have to keep up to date with all of the latest news, to make sure that you’re keeping not only yourself safe, but you have an obligation to make sure every one else is safe to if you are planning to expose them to yourself. Does that make sense?

Have you traveled abroad during the past two years?

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