Türkiye - Alanya,  Türkiye - Istanbul,  Türkiye - Özdere,  Türkiye - Side

56 days spent in Turkey

Turkey is by far the country in Europe that I’ve visited the most. I’ve been trying my best to remember all of the times that I’ve been in different parts of Turkey during the years, and it could be that I might have forgotten some of the trips that I took during earlier years. But I dont think so.

2001, Alanya
2002, Alanya for two weeks
2010, Side
2011, Alanya
2012, Özdere Izmir / Kusadasi
2013, Alanya
2014, Oba

This equals 7 trips to Turkey, about 56 days – give or take a few. I cant tell for sure which one of the different trips that was 7 or 8 days, so I’ve summed it up to 7 days on each trip. And the upcomming trip to Istanbul is not included in the count. But almost two months spent in Turkey.

As you can see theres a few years where we visited Turkey a lot and it actually got to the point where we started looking to buy an apartment. Turkey kind of felt like home. But then we started traveling alot, to different coutries, and by then I was happy that we didnt buy a place in Turkey so we could keep traveling to new countries.

But, 56 days, thats by far the most I’ve spent in one country. Whats the most time you’ve spent in one country, and what country?


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